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Meet up ideas

From: Brian
Sent on: Friday, March 8, 2013, 10:33 PM

Hi all,


Ed emailed me a suggestion about doing a meet up about surviving using your vehicle as you know we are a wilderness survival group but i'm all up for doing something involving a car.  The idea is what do if your stranded with your vehicle and what parts and pieces of the vehicle can be used in a survival situation.


I'm working right now with a fire company to see if they would like to get involved in such a venture here's how it would work with the fire company ... our group cannibalises the vehicle for our class then the fire company uses the rest of the vehicle for a vehicle rescue training killing two birds with one stone.


I'm going to put up a poll and see how much interest there is in such a class and if there is enough interest i'll do my best to make this happen!


On another note Erica has suggested a meet up on the topic of aquaponics I'm going tomorrow to talk to a friend of a friend on the topic tomorrow to see if this is possible.  I'm also going to put up a poll to see if there is interest in this topic also and if there is not enough interest I can put the folks interested in touch with this fellow to do something on their own with him.


Thank you all for being a member and i'll see a lot of you on Saturday the 17th it should be a great time and as always if you have any questions or concerns you can always email me.


