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What we’re about

This group will meet every 3 weeks (approx - that's the goal) to watch a movie focusing on some element of personal growth and spirituality. In particular as to how it relates to current climate change and environmental challenges. The intent is to come together under a broad definition of spirituality to include topics such as personal transformation, meditation/mindfulness, environment & ethics; health & well-being, conscious capitalism, indigenous world perspectives, and women’s empowerment. I envision a lively, thoughtful post-screening discussion for those that wish, with light refreshments afterwards. Film selection will be based on member input, as well as borrowing of ideas of other movie groups. I like what I've heard about The WakeUp Project's (Sydney) movie night, and also Amnesty Int'l/Social Justice movie nights here in Adelaide. The idea for the group started as an outcome from the Pachamama Alliance 'Awakening the Dreamer' workshops (another MeetUp page) about how to nurture more community activism.

The approach will evolve based on members preferences. There is viewing space available at UniSA's Mawson Lakes campus, at least to start. A gold coin(s) donation of $3-5 donation helps to to keep the group at a breakeven point for room rental, streaming/DVD purchase and Meetup costs as necessary. Welcome all. Ideas? Note movie suggestions can be made under Upcoming Events. Cheers and metta.