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Free Teleconference: The World is Changing: 2009 and You

From: Maria H.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 12:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Spirit Mediums, Reiki (All Levels), & Friends UNITE!

What: Free Teleconference: The World is Changing: 2009 and You

When: January 12,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: 2009 is going to be a significant year in all of our lives. Does life and your daily routine just feel different? Do you feel change coming up but can't quite put your finger on it? What is going on you ask? Well, the human species is evolving in a way and what we know and sometimes love is no longer being supported by our new energy.

Sounds weird, huh? Well it seems that way at first until you hear what is going on and it will begin to make sense. Find out why things you used to enjoy seem meaningless. Why you don't seem as interested in the same group of friends anymore. Why hidden corruption in almost everything is coming to the surface to be dealt with. You have a part in this too.

There are answers and direction to help you navigate your way through all of this turmoil and find your place in this new energy. This is an interactive show so bring your questions and personal situations.

This is a free teleconference. Simply call the number approximately 10 minutes prior to the session start and enter the Call ID number.
Phone Number: (724)[masked]
Call ID: 30044

Kristen Taylor is a natural intuitive who was born to a long line of intuitives. Prior to working as an Intuitive Counselor and Reiki Master she was a licensed psychotherapist in the State of Virginia. It was this work that inspired her to assist others in a more spiritual way and help them find their life path and purpose. Kristen has been communicating with various multidimensional energies to provide others with the information needed for transcendence during this pivotal time. You can learn more about Kristen Taylor at

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