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New Meetup: Start-a-food-business Meetup for Food passionatos

From: JGolden
Sent on: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:02 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Start a Food Business Meetup!

What: Start-a-food-business Meetup for Food passionatos

When: February 11,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This is a new Meetup
We are probably not currently in a Food Business and we are all passionate about making and serving food that is health, safe, sustainable and delicious
Some of us may currently have a food business that is ready to grow and expand
We are all from different backgrounds and many of us will be working in Technology
We listen, share and contribute to each other in the area of making and selling and distributing food
or maybe its owning a place where there is Food

We had our first Meetup in north beach in a good place a cafe however parking is too difficult there
So I am looking for a place probably in haight district

from JGolden

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