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Evanston meeting November 14!

From: Anne
Sent on: Monday, October 7, 2013, 10:51 AM
Hi, all:

As two Evanston stepmoms with access to a great meeting space, Angela V. and I are stepping up to host every-other-month get-togethers, to be known casually as Stepmoms North. No agenda, for now at least. Just snacks, wine, and the chance to talk to other stepmoms in a supportive atmosphere. Our thought was that the every-other-month schedule will allow for group members in other geographic locations to organize their own meetings if they'd like.

Details for the first meeting:

Stepmoms North
7 PM
Thursday, November 14
Creative Coworking, 922 Davis St., Evanston

Mark your calendars now, and we'll send reminders later. (Jamie, maybe you can remind me how to set up events on the Meetup site?)

Looking forward to it!

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