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St. Louis Black Professionals Meetup

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 10:35 AM
Hello Professionals!

I am writing to provide you with a few updates for the group. I will be posting a meetup event soon so stay tuned!

  • Sorry the group has been quiet for so long. I have been extremely busy event planning and winning awards!
  • I need someone to step-up and be the organizer ($72 semi annual fee) as I am taking on some other projects.
  • The group will be removed from if no one steps up to the plate and takes over as organizer. Unless someone wants to pay the fee to be organizer (or we can all pay $5 per meeting to share the costs) ALL of us will lose out!

I look forward to meeting all of you very soon and keeping in touch.

Happy Networking!
Karen Banks
[address removed]

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