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A Few SAAF Announcements

From: David D.
Sent on: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 5:27 PM

Hi Everyone,

Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you've checked Facebook or our Meetup site this afternoon, you've probably seen a lot of activity with upcoming events.

Our biggest announcement is the addition of two new monthly events in the Stanislaus County area, thanks to our friends from the Stanislaus Skeptics. Starting in April, here's what you can look forward to:

For those of you with kids, I have a very special announcement. Freedom Baerheim from Turlock will be hosting a monthly Secular Family Day outing. These will always be on the first Sunday of each month, typically in the afternoon, and the location will vary. We might meet at a zoo, a park, or a science museum. Let us know where you want to go!

We also have a great speaker coming to CSU Stanislaus at the end of this month: Professor Alan Lenzi. He'll be talking about mythology on the evening of March 29. He writes, "... learning to see our own myths is like a fish becoming aware of the water around it. Despite this difficulty, becoming mythologically-aware is a crucial step in thinking critically, even skeptically about the society we live in." It's an event you won't want to miss!

And once again we'll be at the Stockton Asparagus Festival this April 26-28 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). If you're available to help be at our tent, let us know by RSVPing on the appropriate day(s). We had a great time last year, and expect an even better turn out this year.

Of course, our ongoing monthly events are still on the calendar:

We're planning our first event in Tracy, to start in May, and are looking for others who want to host similar events in any of the nearby areas. Just write back and let me know.

And that's it! Please make an effort to attend some of these events and spread the word to your secular friends. I hope to see you there.


-David Diskin


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