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What We Played, April 3-14

From: Ben R.
Sent on: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 5:01 PM

Apparently we started a new contest for longest thread title. See if you can spot the winner.

iOpe You've Got a License for That (Shooting the Moon)

Life in the Time of Extremophiles: There Will Be Penguins (Fiasco)

It's not so easy to 1. destroy a statue guarding War and 2. tame a muthaf*cking bear spirit (In a Wicked Age/Archipelago)

Danger Patrol! in: The Elder Centurians of Mars

The Night of the Headhunter (Shooting the Moon)

We're gaming at People's Republic of Koffee every other Saturday, but they have asked that we put the word out that they want more, more gamers! They've got a nice back room you can reserve so long as you're going to drink some coffee and buy some snacks while you're there, as you do.

Shops specifically asking for gamers to come play? This is a new trend I can get behind.

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