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New Meetup: Sydney Scrum User Group - Velocity

From: Lachlan
Sent on: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 10:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sydney Scrum User Group!

What: Sydney Scrum User Group - Velocity

When: Tuesday, May 4,[masked]:00 PM

ThoughtWorks Sydney
Level 8 51 Pitt St

6:00pm - Call Lachlan to get let up in the lifts
- eat some pizza and have a drink

6:30pm - 8:00pm
- Learn about velocity
- session retrospective
- ask for volunteers for next session

Come and feel the power of velocity. You'll laugh, you'll cry, your life will be changed.

"Velocity is an extremely simple, powerful method for accurately measuring the rate at which teams consistently deliver business value. To calculate velocity, simply add up the estimates of the features (user stories, requirements, backlog items, etc.) successfully delivered in an iteration." Agile 101 -

Learn more here:

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