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New Meetup: Boxing Day/Rudolph Run Dance-Largo CC

From: Randy T.
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Tampa Bay Dance Meetup Group!

What: Boxing Day/Rudolph Run Dance-Largo CC

When: December 26,[masked]:00 PM

Largo Community Center
65 4th St NW
Largo, FL 33770

Don't just sit there....Get up and Dance! with Arleene December 26th is Boxing Day, a traditional holiday in Europe. We celebrate with leftovers (from Christmas), Re-Gift Exchange, and at 9:45 PM Rudolph Run (30 minutes of non-stop dancing to fast and faster tempos!)

7-8 p.m. Beginner friendly swing dance lesson No partner necessary to participate in the lesson 8-11 p.m.

DJ Dance* $8.00*, includes the lesson at 7:00 p.m.

Smoke-Free * All-Ages admitted * Singles & Couples welcomed * Free, ample parking * Alcohol Free * Concessions provided by the LVYC (Largo Volunteer Youth Committee)

Learn more here: