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Green Song Grove 2012 Samhain Celebration

From: Myssty
Sent on: Monday, October 1, 2012, 4:08 PM

Merry Meet,

I know it's been awhile since I spoken to you all and I'm truly sorry for that.  Skai has made me Asst. Organizer of the group, so maybe we can bring it back to life.   I need all of your help reviving this group.

It has been inactive for way to long now.  I won't be able to attend this upcoming meetup due to short notice (Skai posted this one in hopes to bring this group alive again) mainly because I'm hoping to attend GSG this weekend.

Anyone that has any suggestions regarding this groups future activities please feel free to let me know.

I like many other have been apart of this group for quite some time, I would like to see our group (over 300 pagans) become a family once more. Many,Many,Many thanks goes out to Skai for paying for and keeping this group alive, bless her heart.

Well that's it for now......  Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry we Meet again.

Blessed Be


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