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The Future of E-Commerce at Amazon on May 1st!

From: Elizabeth C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 11:55 AM

Greetings Tech In Motion:OC!

Just a friendly reminder that we are hosting The Future of E-Commerce tomorrow at Amazon in Irvine. It is going to be a great event with lots of opportunity to network, mingle, and learn.


The event is scheduled to start at 6 PM and will be in Amazon's conference room on the 14th floor. Amazon is kind enough to validate for everyone, so please make sure to bring your parking ticket up to the event with you. The elevators will be shutting down before the speaker beings at 7 PM, so please make sure you arrive beforehand.


We hope you can join us for one of the largest Tech in Motion:OC events yet! Please make sure to keep your RSVP up to date as we are expecting a large event.


Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing everyone out!




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