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About This Thursday's Event...

From: Jim W.
Sent on: Monday, December 10, 2012, 5:05 PM

Greetings, Texpats!

The Holiday Fiesta is almost upon us now, so a few words are in order. First, it's looking like we're going to have a great turnout! That said, if it's looking like you can't come after all, please take a second to change your RSVP to "No". We'll miss you, and hope to see you at the next event, but it's important that we give El Rio Grande an accurate number of attendees, and not tie up tables that they could use for other customers.

Second, since we didn't order the prix fixe menu and have everyone pay up front, we're going to have to get creative when it comes to settling up the bill. We can't ask the restaurant to process 25 separate checks from one party (and they wouldn't do it if we did ask), so instead, we're going to break the bill up into roughly five groups, organized by table.

Sorry for this little hiccup - if anything, this tells us we probably should do the prix fixe thing for future events where dinner is involved. For this one, though, you might consider coming prepared to pay in cash, so you don't end up covering part of someone else's Gordo Grande Platter when all you had was the house salad.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to e-mail me offline, at [address removed]. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday at El Rio Grande!


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