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RE: Poulenc Vocal Competition and Upcoming Master Classes!

From: Blair
Sent on: Friday, March 8, 2013, 6:51 AM

Congratulations to ASPS for being selected as grant recipient by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council for year 2013! This will ensure that our upcoming Summer of Song program is presented in the highest standards! In other wonderful news, our friends at Joy In Singing recently announced the Positively Poulenc! competition deadline has been extended to April 1, 2013. The competition is open to all vocal artists who have an interest in keeping the spirit of Poulenc's major contribution to the art song repertoire alive in this anniversary year of his death. $15,000 in prizes are to be awarded. The application can be downloaded at  The best part of all: there is no age limit

Additionally, our Summer of Song information is posted on our website. Here's your chance to join us this summer for several wonderful opportunities to sing! Here are just a few of this summer's programs:  Art Songs by Female C
omposerswith Dr. Carol Kimball, German Lieder with Thomas Muraco, French Mélodie with Thomas Grubb20th and 21st Century Art Song with Margaret Lattimore, and so much more! The deadline to apply is May 15, 2013. For the application, please visit:

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