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Photographers Squared - A Few Words About Why I'm So Passionate

From: Mindy V.
Sent on: Saturday, November 1, 2014, 4:21 PM

Dear All,

I want to share with you a few words about why I'm so passionate about my Kickstarter project. As I've been teaching the Art of Intuitive Photography for a few years now, I see how important it is for each of us to express ourselves in our own unique way. We are not robots - we have a heart and soul that guides us to see and feel what we want/should photograph. This project will show just that - we will create a coffee table book to illustrate that everyone may see the same subject, but can capture it in their own unique way. My color photo and RA's b&w photo will be side-by-side depicting the same subject but as you can imagine, they will be very different (as seen in the images below).

Not only will we be true to ourselves and our style, we will also be going to local high schools to speak to teens to help them understand and see that it's ok to be authentic and that following your passion can come true with a lot of hard work and love in what you believe in. 

If you feel compelled to back our project, we would be extremely grateful. No amount is too little or too big (you can give as little as $1). You will also see that we offer some great rewards.

This is truly a dream of mine, and I thank you for wanting to be a part of it.

Please visit our Kickstarter site to view our video, get more info and to back the project.

Thank you!


Mindy Veissid                          RA Friedman


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