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Re: Lotico Wikidata Meetup

From: Marco N.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:39 PM
Thank you for joining us at a great wikidata meetup last month and
thank you to our hosts at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin for
providing us with a great location. I will make sure to upload the
presentation asap but please be advised that this usually takes a few
weeks. And again thank you Denny, Thomas, Adrian and Lydia
(https://meta.wikim...­) for presenting and I hope to
see you again soon in Berlin for a another Lotico Semantic Web event.

I have uploaded a few photos here:

If you would like to participate more actively in the online
conversation of this community please request to join the mailing list

If you would like to follow all global meetup events please feel free
to check in at the Lotico wiki here.


Our next meetup will take place on July 12 and we will take a look at
Data Stories and the use of Semantic Web /Linked Data standards to
create digital narratives with museum, historical and cultural
heritage data. If you would like to present on the subject please and
get in touch and let me know.



Marco Neumann

Join us at SemTech Biz in San Francisco June[masked] and save 15%
with the lotico community discount code 'STMN'

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