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What we’re about

Bring your poetry, your novels, your short stories, your songs, your spoken word, your prose, your inspiration. Join us in creating a vibrant and supportive community of writers. Bring your passion, your creativity, and your inspiration to our gatherings. We look forward to connecting with you! This group is an opportunity for creative writers to come together and support one another as we take risks and developiour skills and confidence as writers. We will hold open meetings to share our writing art and inspire one other. Meetings may vary from small focused group discussions (5-8 people) to larger gatherings for play and creative exploration. Bring your ideas for activities to invigorate the group and feel free to suggest venues you have found inspiring. We can encourage one another in creating our own goals for our writing and checking in with one another on progress toward those goals (in person and through the online community). Please share your preferences for meeting times - weekends versus weekdays, mornings, afternoons, or evenings. Please also let me know how frequently you would enjoy meeting. I look forward to connecting with you and building a thriving community together. Wishing you a joy-filled and inspiring day of writing!