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Re: [writers-1131] Children's Book - Creative Writers Meetup Group

From: Howard
Sent on: Thursday, July 12, 2012, 3:07 PM
Nothing came with the email.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zachary <[address removed]>
To: writers-1131 <[address removed]>
Sent: Thu, Jul 12,[masked]:02 pm
Subject: [writers-1131] Children's Book - Creative Writers Meetup Group

Howdy everybody!  Had a great time at the meeting last night, thanks for everyone who shared!  I wanted to followup on the question that was asked about my children's book project.  It is a book I'm writing and drawing for my little 5 year-old boy as a Christmas present.  I'm planning to have it printed through Amazon's printing services, depending on whether the paper quality is going to be sufficient for an image heavy project like this.

Anyway, printing a copy out on my home printer would probably kill my inkjets, so I thought I'd just email all of you a few pages (the first six to be precise!)  Let me know if you have any thoughts!

Looking forward to seeing you next month!


The pages are numbered in their filenames. (mini, mini2, mini3, etc.)

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