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Event tomorrow 4/8 in SF and 4/28 in SF

From: Darcy
Sent on: Sunday, April 7, 2013, 6:12 PM

I just wrote an e-mail about Jennifer Cornbleet's event geared towards creating healthy raw meals for kids- Well these two other events are also geared towards kids.

One is happening tomorrow! April 8th from 7-9 in SF A talk by Karen Ranzi - with raw treats

Jillian is also announcing a class she has planned called, Raw Recipes for Busy People and Kids - learn 9 easy and delicious recipes and taste everything. Jillian's is April 28th and check it out HERE

Here's Jillian's announcement:

Hello everyone!

I hope you're enjoying your raw path and getting excited as we leave winter behind and begin to move forward to warmer weather.

I wanted to give you a heads up about a wonderful workshop with the renowned raw family expert Karen Ranzi. This event is her only stop in the Bay Area on her CA speaking/book tour and WILL sell out. Tickets may or may not be sold at the door. It's been listed on several meet up groups and raw forums. It's near capacity today and I don't want you to miss out if you haven't bought your tickets yet through the event link below.

Also to compliment this workshop I have a fabulous class planned - Raw Recipes for Busy People and Kids - learn 9 easy and delicious recipes and taste everything. Definitely a great way to kick off Spring and get ready for Summer.

Event details are below - click the link to get more details and tix:

Raw Families:
Easy Recipes

Are YOU and Your Family Ready For a Change?

Do you feel like you know there's a better way to live and
eat, but you just don't have the tools to make it happen for
yourself and your family? It's time to clean the blood,
rejuvenate the body and clear your mind!

Join Karen Ranzi, Author of the book Creating Healthy Children, for this essential informational discussion where you will find out:

What to do when we or our family are sick
How to achieve permanent weight loss
How to increase energy and motivation
What steps to take to improve digestion and assimilation
How to have better concentration & mental focus
Strategies to increased resistance to illness
Practices to increase emotional well-being
The path to healing A.D.D. & Autism.

Creating Healthy Children is an empowering transformational book that will profoundly improve your family’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. In this book, Karen Ranzi guides you on the path to creating happy and healthy families, confident of their disease-free future. Rather than medicate diseases, infections, and learning difficulties, Karen’s unique and proven approach simply eliminates the causes of health and weight problems through the healthful raw food lifestyle.

* Karen's book will be for sale and there will be time for questions and answers as well as book signing after the talk.

Raw Families in the Real World...

Raw Treats and Talk Monday April 8 from 7-9:00PM

Yoga Society of San Francisco

2872 Folsom Street San Francisco, CA 94110

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