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Re: [walkers-226] Big Basin Hike

From: Dave W
Sent on: Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 7:03 AM
Hi Lulu,
Thanks for info

Lulu <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Dave
Somebody suggested this to me when I mentioned the Big Basin hike
here is what she said

I've done this hike a number of times. The best way to do it is to use the "hikers special" bus that the transit district adds in the summer. It takes you up to Big Basin headquarters in the morning and then you take the Davenport bus from Wadell Beach at the end of the hike. There is plenty of time and you don't really have to go fast. Lunch is usually at Berry Creek Falls. The bus doesn't run in the spring, so you may need to change your dates. 

If one uses the Skyline to the Sea trail, the elevation gain is not much and the hike isn't strenuous. It is an all day endeavor, though! We can talk about it manana.}}


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