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New Meetup: COPA DO MUNDO! (Soccer World Cup) Breakfast Potluck na Valeria!

From: Maria Laura D.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 5:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Orange County Brazilian Portuguese Meetup Group!

What: COPA DO MUNDO! (Soccer World Cup) Breakfast Potluck na Valeria!

When: Friday, July 2,[masked]:00 AM

Valeria Barragan
Ser? Divulgada aos Participantes
Santa Ana, CA 92703

Vamos torcer para o Brasil
Friday June 25 (7am ? Brazil X Portugal)
Wear Yellow, Green, Blue or White?.

Bring In Any breakfat treat
Cafe e Suco de Laranja are offered by Valeria & Reynaldo

To get address please call[masked] - Valeria
Elmwood Drive ? uma ruazinha dentro do condom?nio "Amberwood Townhomes".
O condom?nio fica perto da esquina leste de Hazard com Euclid (a entrada ? pela Hazard).
Elmwood Drive is a small street inside the "Amberwood Townhomes" condominium. The complex is near the east corner of Hazard and Euclid (the entrance is on Hazard). Phone: (714)[masked].

Vamos torcer junto para o Brasil fechar a primera fase com 3 vitorias!

This Meetup cross posted on The Irvine Portuguese Language Meetup Group.

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