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Please send prayers for Michael Butler and his family

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Sunday, September 15, 2013, 8:37 AM

Good morning my film making family. Today is a very sad day and I'm asking for you to help support a fellow film maker who has suffered a terrible tragedy. Our own Mike Butler - one of our very first members and my very good friend is suffering today. His wife, daughter and little son Tyre have been in a horrible car accident. His wife and daughter are still fighting for their lives but tragically his little son Tyre has lost that fight. IF you know Mike and his wonderful family you know they are just wonderful people. Please send up prayers and love for them in this very difficult time. Go to his meetup page and facebook page and let him know he is loved and that we are all praying for him and his family.  I love you all.

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