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Fwd: I need two male actors

From: Kimberly W.
Sent on: Thursday, August 23, 2007, 11:58 AM

Toriadore Films <[address removed]> wrote:
From: Toriadore Films <[address removed]>
To: Kim Wolcott <[address removed]>
Subject: I need two male actors
Date: Thu, 23 Aug[masked]:37:18 -0600

Hi All~
     I am shooting a short film this weekend and I need two male actors who can be available from Saturday night to Sunday night.
We will be shooting in the woods at Crown King and camping there Saturday night, shooting all day Sunday and coming back Sunday afternoon/night.
I would prefer that one of the males to be African American due to the fact that the female lead is African American and I need someone to portray her brother. If you are interested and can definitely make the schedule, I would like to hear from you.
Thank You.
~Tim Richards

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