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Re: [The-Saint-Paul-Socrates-Cafe] Distributive Justice

From: Siva
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2015, 3:08 PM
On 7/23/15, Sigrid Coats <[address removed]> wrote:
> Paul, a good system has to have safeguards (regulations) installed,
> which prevent corruption. Punishment, fighting, etc. usually are
> measures taken after the fact. Good education is one way of prevention.

Education doesn't work for everyone.

> However, if a system educates to "fear something" [remember the fear of
> Communism!], the chances of prevention are diminished;

That's not true.  Fear is merely a tool.  And tools can be used by
anyone, for a variety of objectives, including re-distributing wealth.

Blackmailing lobbied politicians is a classic example of how to use
fear (i. e. their fear of losing their social reputation or family
cohesion) to help economic equality.

Suppose, for example, someone had information on an illicit sexual
affair being undertaken by Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Ways and
Means, Congress' tax writing committee.

Immediately, that someone would have the power write the US tax laws
ALL BY him/herself.  And so that one person could then change the tax
code to make it more fair, if he/she wanted.

> in fact, the
> possibility of conflict will be increased. Fear prevents creative
> thinking. Education which teaches critical thinking and engages people

Not everyone can be taught to think critically.  Conservative red
state voters in the US just can't do it, period.

So any workable system, at least here in the US, CANNOT rely on education.

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