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Dairy Farmers Fight Radiation with Boron

From: Deborah R.
Sent on: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 3:30 PM

Dairy Farmers Fight Radiation with Boron

An open letter from organic dairy farmers in Hawaii explains how to reduce radiation in milk and vegetables. The letter explains that boron can be used to capture radioactivity.

The letter states that boron is the only mineral capable of accepting and ionizing radiation that never changes the nucleus of living cells. The Hawaii farmers have begun feeding their cows and goats sodium borate at milking times, as well as adding it to kelp and water troughs.

According to Food Freedom, the letter states in part:
“Fortunately, red wine and coffee are significant sources of boron, as well as non-citrus fruits, red grapes, plums, pears, apples, avocados, legumes and nuts! Boron is known to be non-carcinogenic, non-mutagenic and has been used internally to protect the astronauts in space as they leave the earth’s protective magnetic field

... In these tenuous times it is all we can do to be honestly informed of the situation at hand and act accordingly. We are doing our best to protect our soil, animals and bodies from the elevated levels of radioactivity, and hope that you will also.” 

Read more at this link:

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