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Open Mind Open Heart - The Work of Byron Katie © as practiced by Clarity Coaching - Weekly Zoom Meetings
7-9 PM Every TUESDAY Mountain Time (9-11 PM ET, 6-7 PM PT)
Join us in this warm gathering to identify and question the thoughts we hold which cause stress in any aspect of our life. Discover how to stop arguing with your experience of reality and harvest the miraculous gift of it instead!
”Undo your fear today. No one else can." - Byron Katie
Learn an amazingly simple self-inquiry process that can render stress optional and bring more freedom and joy into every aspect of your life.
Open to those new to 'The Work' as well as long-time enthusiasts. Freedom is endless and boundless! Offered every Tuesday on ZOOM at NO fee- just a gift from our hearts. Each session will be facilitated by Carol van der Meulen, Associate Director of Clarity Coaching Institute, or Todd Hess, certified Clarity Coach.

We look forward to joining with you to experience the life-changing freedom available when we look within for our own answers…
To best prepare for each session, complete a Judge-Your-Neighbor-Worksheet which can be found here Watch the video with Byron Katie talking about how to fill out the worksheet
In order to fully experience the freedom The Work of Byron Katie has to offer, we invite you to be on time and stay for the full 2-hour session. The first part of self-inquiry with The Work is exploring what isn’t working when we believe our stressful thoughts. The second part is a discovery of life outside the confines of our stressful mental paradigms.  

If you are not the one being actively facilitated, you are invited to find your own situation where the stressful belief being questioned applies for you. Then follow the questions being asked and answer them silently for yourself. This practice empowers you to find and embrace your own personal freedom.

Clarity Coaching Institute ( founded by Kathryn Dixon, a coaching firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been serving individuals, organizations, and businesses since 2003 with the clarifying and empowering gift of self-inquiry. Click this link for more info on The Work of Byron Katie
"Life doesn't happen to us, it happens FOR US!” - Byron Katie
Want to learn more about doing The Work with a coach privately? Find more information at
Freedom from suffering couldn't be easier - or (yes!) more fun! The Work of Byron Katie is a simple yet profound process of self-inquiry wherein you will experience the wisdom within you. “You are the teacher you've been waiting for. B.K.” Between them, they have well over 3 decades of experience as devoted practitioners and gifted facilitators of The Work.

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