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Easy Holiday Fundraiser - Amazon

From: Sharon
Sent on: Sunday, November 18, 2012, 12:25 PM

Happy Holidays dog (and cat) lovers! Many of you are familiar with our online magazine -- Planet Rockwall -- and I know most of you shop on (who doesn't? :-) For the months of Nov & Dec we are donating 50% of our Amazon affiliate commission to Rockwall PAWS. If you plan to shop on Amazon, please go directly to and click on one of our Amazon affiliate links. Purchases made via our link gives us a return of 4-6%. Small purchases add up, and for us it's a bonus when you make your large purchases on Amazon! It does not cost you anything to do this. Amazon simply sends us a small commission for promoting them and sending business their way. In a good way it's like shopping local. You help support our magazine AND a great non-profit organization that does so much for Rockwall County cats and dogs.

Please help us raise funds for Rockwall PAWS as PAWS continues to promote spay/neuter programs and save dogs in need of heartworm treatment.

Thank you!

Sharon Lewis

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