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Low Cost SETH BOOKS & a special offer until March 25th

From: Jennifer R.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 9:53 AM

 Hi All,

This came from theonline SETH yahoo group:    I thought I'd pass it on. 


Thriftbooks Tue Mar 19, [masked]:36 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Kasey" kasey59


For those of you who just must have all the Seth books and do not want to spend a whole lot of money acquiring them, I have found Thriftbooks to be a great option for used books and free shipping.  It is a little confusing in that they have the same book in multiple listings.  What is more confusing is that you get a discount on each additional book that comes from the same warehouse.

What I do is pick every copy that interests me, and then I check my cart to see which ones are in the same place to get even better deals.  Right now they are having an even better promotion:

How the Double Discount coupon works: this coupon doubles your discount from 50 cents to $1 when you purchase more than 1 book from the same seller. Bargain Basement Books qualify for the 50
cents discount only; Books in Bundles are not a part of this promotion.
Please feel free to
pass it on to friends and remember to enter the coupon code DOUBLEDISCOUNT when checking out, and click the Apply button to see your discount before submitting your
order. This coupon expires on March 25th at midnight, P.D.T.

You can find the Jane Roberts collection here:;searchby=author&intsortby=1&intsortorder=0

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