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RE: [theater-124] Beckett's Widow

From: Lora
Sent on: Saturday, April 21, 2007, 8:37 AM
was becket's window about the boy with autism?? i would really like to see 
that one

>From: Alix <[address removed]>
>Reply-To: [address removed]
>To: [address removed]
>Subject: [theater-124] Beckett's Widow
>Date: Wed, 18 Apr[masked]:48:22 -0400 (EDT)
>Hey everyone!
>   I'm going to see Beckett's Widow tomorrow evening at The Old Arizona. 
>It's produced by Four Humors and The Old Arizona. I just wanted to throw 
>out an email to see if anyone was interested in seeing it as well.  Tickets 
>are $15 or $10 with a Fringe button, Student ID, or non-perishable food 
>item. Show starts at 8. This is supposed to be a dark comedy that is 
>exceedingly funny. You be the judge.
>   Check them out on myspace:­humors
>   Have a fabulous day!!
>   Alix
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