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Nina's European Day Spa and Laser Center Memorial Day Weekend Spa Treatments

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 2:10 PM

Hi there –
Nina’s European Day Spa and Laser Center has the following spa packages available for the Memorial Day Weekend. Click on the links to order tickets for your spa therapy.

Aromatherapy Massage
Give the gift of a spa therapy to someone you love.
Soothe the senses with an Aromatherapy massage, also known as, Essential Oil therapy, to balance, harmonize and improve the mind, body and soul. Essential Oils uses a holistic approach of extracting liquid distilled from leaves, stems, flowers, bark, root and other parts of a plant.
Sunday, May 29
Monday, May 30

Couples Massages
Enjoy your Couple’s Massage in our serene, candlelit private suite for two. Experience relaxation as the body restores deep layers of muscle tissue strained from everyday stress and chronic patterns of tension. Connect with your loved one through synchronized, concentrated strokes, finger pressure and joint mobility techniques to realign connective tissues for healing from the inside out.
Sunday, May 29 appointments
Couples massages – Monday, May 30 appointments

Sweedish Massage
Indulge in a full body massage that combines gentle pressure and long, smooth strokes to relieve aches and body tension. Our Swedish massage helps the body increase the oxygen flow in the blood while releasing toxins from the muscles, improving circulation and promoting relaxation.
Sunday, May 29 appointments
Monday, May 30 appointments

Best regards,
