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Kathryn Campbell added a post

From: Kathryn C.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:59 AM
Don't miss this week's IxDA Event!

Metro and IxDA Los Angeles present: Interactive Design for Mass Transit

Thursday, August 26, 2010 | 7-9pm
Metro Headquarters
One Gateway Plaza, 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA

Join Lan-Chi Lam, Interactive Design & Strategy Manager for Metro Communications, to discuss how Metro is turning to the digital arena to improve public transportation in Los Angeles. The Interactive Design Group at Metro is responsible for customer-facing websites, as well as ensuring Metro is in the social media, mobile platform, and developer community. Leading a new team at Metro for the last two years, Lan-Chi will go deep on two themes driving their current work: information relevance and customer-focus. Come out and mingle with LA's best and brightest and enjoy tasty food and beverages courtesy of LA Metro.

Be sure to RSVP for a spot at this unique event!

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