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W'burg Ultimate Tues, March 29

From: Chris
Sent on: Sunday, March 27, 2016, 7:32 PM
We’re on for Ultimate Tues, March 29, 6:00 PM, Warhill Sports Complex, on the grass fields probably way out in the far corner like last week – you may have to walk around to find us. 
Forecast: daytime high 66o & sunny.  I
t will be light until almost 8:00.  Please arrive as early as you can so we can get the most playing time with daylight.
York County pickup has been playing Thursdays at 6:00 and Sundays at 2:00 PM at Tabb Middle School (Mt Vernon Elem school as backup).  Contact  Jeff Brannick for details and to get on his e-mail list: [address removed].  (But you have to keep coming to W’burg Ultimate!)
Chris S
(Weather plan: we play unless it is raining steadily or storming at game time, or if JCC closes the fields due to snow on the ground.  We do play in light/intermittent rain, cold, heat, and anything that’s not dangerous.  Keep an eye on the weather and determine if you want to drive in considering the weather.  If it looks particularly bad we’ll try to get an e-mail out by about 5:00.)

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