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Call for speaker

From: Jan-Willem van der M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 11:06 PM

Hi Rubists!

Next monday is almost there! Are you looking forward to it? We have a question for you. Unfortunately Bouke can't make it to the meetup, which cancels one of our 4 talks.

Question for you? Do you have something you want to talk about? Contact us by sending not only a title, but also a short summary of your talk. We'll try to pick the replacing talk as soon as possible.

It's all lightning talks, 10-15 minutes. So a small subject is enough for a nice talk. Some examples: Did you just figure out an awesome way to write your tests, want to show some new Ruby 2.0 features.

Hope to see your proposals soon!
Jan-Willem & Timon

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