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This Saturday: September Potluck and Membership Meeting

From: Fletch Brendan G.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:11 AM
Announcing our September Potluck and Membership Meeting

This Saturday: September 11,[masked]:30 PM
at the home of Candace d'Obrenovic
3808 Arrow Dr
Austin, TX 78745

This is going to be a busy meetup folks! For our September potluck, the granddaughter of one of our members wants to gather donations of pet food to send to the local Humane Society chapter. So please bring a bag or a few cans of cat, dog, or other pet food (it doesn't have to be vegan!), so we can help those helping Austin's homeless animals.

We invite everyone to come from all our online groups, please don't be shy because this is someone's home! We always have large gatherings and there'll be plenty of other vegetarians and vegans to meet and mingle with. We just ask that you bring a VEGAN dish to feed 8 plus a serving utensil, as well as your own plate, utensils, and beverage. Also bring your recipe or a list of ingredients used, to help those with food allergies.

Also of importance: there will be quite a bit of group business conducted at this meeting. There will be a short meeting of the board of directors before the potluck begins, at 5:30. Anyone in the group is welcome to attend and take part, share suggestions or comments, or just learn about how the board takes care of VNA business.

Then, after we've finished eating, there'll be a special membership meeting called to handle elections for two vacant board positions, the treasurer and the chairperson. Everyone is welcome to stay and observe, but in order to vote, you must be a dues-paying member of the VNA. Of course, anyone is welcome to join us that night! See our website for details on membership.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

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