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Fw: Re: [AVeganLife] Vote for the Vegan Van!

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 5:01 PM


Hi All, 

Anyone who has visited the vegan van, please comment on what you ordered/what you like/service/prices, etc. to me at my e-mail address:

[address removed]

Please put "vegan van" in the subject field.


This is a good topic for an article in the Examiner.

You can also post comments on the meet-up message board through the link below, provided by Ann[masked]




-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Vincent Gerbino CYT
Sent: May 7,[masked]:38 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [AVeganLife] Vote for the Vegan Van!


Anyone who has visited the vegan van, please comment on what you ordered/what you like/service/prices, etc.  This is a good topic for an article in the Examiner.



-----Original Message-----
From: lisa
Sent: May 6,[masked]:57 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [AVeganLife] Vote for the Vegan Van!

It is always good when a vegan business wins any kind of competition and
Vegan Van is worthy of winning. Click on link below and vote for Vegan Van.

Lisa Shapiro*

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