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One Year Celebration featuring Michelle Lee

From: Kaylyn G.
Sent on: Thursday, April 2, 2015, 6:44 PM

Hello everyone!

We are incredibly excited to announce our One Year Celebration featuring Michelle Lee on April 8th. General Assembly will be hosting us at OpenGov Hub. We will be introducing Women Who Code, reviewing the past year, and talking about everything that is coming up in the next year. So quite a lot of of awesome things. BUT beyond coming for the fabulousness of meeting other women in the industry, learning about our resources to help you meet your coding goals (whether you are a beginner or advanced), or free food - we have two really important announcements:

  • Michelle Lee, Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and new Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office, will be coming to speak to all of us! She has a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and before the USPTO was Head of Patent Strategy for Google (along with a long list of other truly incredible roles). Michelle will be joining us at 6:30 pm to talk about her impressive role within the government and opening our event with some inspiration about how the tech industry is changing within DC.

  • And while not quite as exciting as the first point, we will be giving out free Women Who Code tshirts to the first 100 attendees!

Check out all of the details and sign up to attend! Come on time as we will be running out of tshirts and you do not want to miss Michelle speak - she spoke at SXSW this year and was very exciting to hear from!

Aside from planning this event, we have been hard at work over the last couple months doing a lot of internal development and planning which we will announce at the event. But if you have not seen - we are now hosting weekly hack nights for Front End Development, Android, and Ruby on Rails! We’ll talk about them at our event, but check them out now if you haven’t seen them before.

And finally - we have a Slack channel that we use all of the time (it's basically a forum / internet chat hybrid)! Send us your information if you want to join our conversations and we'll get you an invite.

See you next week!


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