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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] re: error establishing database connection

From: user 1.
Sent on: Sunday, November 23, 2014, 12:29 PM

Had the same issue on friday. I jumped on and reset the plugins folder via FTP, logged back in to the dashboard and did a manual re-update to the new version and reactivated the plugins 1 by 1 (to make sure of plugin compatability) and was working nicely again.


23 November 2014 12:10 pm
Hi everyone,

I am freaking out! A website I have been working on which is hosted on hostmonster just auto-updated to the latest version of Wordpress yesterday.

Then it started timing out - so I could only load the website one time out of twenty tries.

Now it is saying "error establishing a database connection".

It was already quite slow (due to server load time, I checked in google speed test). 

There is a launch planned for tomorrow with customers coming for a function and a showcase.

The website is 

I am currently trying to back up the site files and just really don't know where to start with this.

Any and all advice welcome.

I am considering moving hosts today to VentraIP but I am just afraid to do that in case it goes wrong. 

Would really appreciate some advice.

Thank you,


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