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ReSurfacing Workshop 7-8 March

From: Ariane Leanza H.
Sent on: Sunday, February 22, 2015, 2:31 PM

Hi everyone and thank you for opening and reading my email,

I am Ariane Leanza Heinz, an Avatar Master since 2007, I held many workshops and have many testimonials of happy "resurfacers" . 

I did myself the ReSurfacing workshop in 2001, and it changed my life. I was at a crossroad and I was struggling. The training gave me clarity in my goals and a path I could decide to follow.

It was not easy and it required work. It demands also honesty and vulnerability, but the training gave me the tools which still help me define those changes and still open possibilities.

So if you are at a crossroad or wish to change something in your life then you are going to benefit immensily from the workshop of 30 exercises, build in an order that unlocks the keys to your blueprints (=the way you created your life thus far).

Understand well, I am not saying you will magically get out of the 2 days and be rich & have the perfect girldfriend/boyfriend, it isn't a quick cheesy way of moving forward; no, it's work, it's fun, it's spiritual, it's growth and will be accomplished only with your 100% commitment to want to move forward, let go of patterns and see that as the creator of your life, you create it all, and can change it all too.

The Avatar Course is a set of tools to change what YOU WISH TO CHANGE deliberatly. Not by chance, not by choc, not by a turn of luck; it is a tool box to create your life deliberately, to let go of patterns which impede you to live fully.

The week end is divided in a few subjects like attention, integrity, you, your goals.

If you'd like to join us on this exciting & challenging journey, email me:

[address removed] or call me with all your questions:[masked]

I'll be happy to connect

Have a great evening and rest of your week


ps. the workshop is CHF420, includes training and books

pss. March 7-8 from[masked] & 14:00-19:00


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