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Need help organizing winter sports crawl!

From: Link K.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 2:06 PM

I think my favorite event every year is the winter sports crawl, and I'd really like to make it happen again this year! For everyone who hasn't come out to a winter sports crawl before, the basic idea is a day full of *very casual* games. Last year, I remember playing football, soccer, going ice skating, playing tag, and sledding. (Frisbee was in the plan, but we were all too tired by the end of the day...) You don't have to be athletic, good at sports, or even know how to play any sports to come out. We try our best to pick fair teams, and just to have fun with everything. (Besides, as we discovered, if you play soccer when there's 4-6 inches of snow on the ground, skill matters a whole lot less...). Hopefully I'll also be able to come up with a schedule of when the different games are going on, so that people can drop in for just one or two if they can't do the whole day.

Unfortunately, I don't have any sports equipment at all (cones, soccer balls, footballs, etc). So, I'm asking anybody interested in doing another winter sports crawl to let me know what weekend works best for you (preferably sometime in February, to get the best chance of still having snow) and what equipment you would be willing and able to lend for the day.

Happy arctic winter!


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