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Like!...Keys to Success in Distributed Agile Software Development

From: Bob G.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 5:57 AM

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to weigh-in on our upcoming speaker & topic. We've been partnering with Velocity Partners in nearshore development for over a year at iContact. They've been in business since 2005 and 2006 in Argentina. So they have a lot of experience in this space to share.

I just met Barnaby (the presenter) at the Agiles (Latin America Agile) Conference last week. He's a wonderful presenter and I think you'll find the topic worthwhile.

In my agile coaching experience, "Distributed Agile" is in the Top 3 areas of concern for most teams in adopting agile. While there are no silver bullets, you can build effective distributed agile teams. If you have the right mind-set and approaches. I highly recommend this session!



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