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Wireless What.....

From: Jon F.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 2:12 PM
This is of course not new technology. You can get it for your cell phone and small electronic devises, or just plain electric like a tooth brush. It was the basis for the previous generation of EV "paddle" charges which has not been adopted for current models. The "drive over" wireless charger is out there today -

 but it has NOT been efficient ( 80% or less) although one source says:  "What is new is technology that allows for an energy-transfer efficiency of 90 per cent or higher." 

This is not completely up to date but gives Pros and Cons:

If you use solar PV, then. of course, efficiency is not as important. We will see how the technology tests out.

Jon Findley

"I cannot understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones..."  --Nicola Tesla

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