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Desperate Measures Here! I need a date for the bis dual citizenship party!

From: Larry
Sent on: Saturday, August 8, 2015, 1:22 PM


As some of you know i have been part of working on getting the law allowing dual citizenship here in Denmark and afet about 13 years of working on that law it finally past. It was a uphill climb but now it paid off and it is good for foreigners wishing to become a DK citizen and Danes living abroad which is why i cooperated with Danes Worldwide on getting the law passed. Anywat i have been invited to the big party as a guest in Politiken on September 1 and i am allowed to bring a guest along with me so i would like to take one of you ladies along with me to this party. It will of course cost youi nothing. You will be with me and that means you are invited as my guest. Yes i know this may not be the best way to get a date but hey i am singel now after my last girl friend and i broke up so i thought why not do this!

I organize loads of low cost or free events for this group and have been doing that for 9 years so now for once i am asking for something for myself and that is a date! Thiis is a straightforward request and i hope one of you lovely ladies out there willl reply. If you want to know more about the party just look on this meetup group on September 1 and click on the link and check it out. Yes this is desperate measures but why not!? it can perhaps be a positive experience. I look forward to a reply! You can answer this email or message me direct here on Meetup. Thank you for reading this!


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