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New Meetup: Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary Thanksgiving Open Barn! Two days to choose from!

From: Paulo F.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 10:16 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Toronto Animal Rights Meetup Group!

What: Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary Thanksgiving Open Barn! Two days to choose from!

When: Saturday, October 2,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary
RR 1
Lakeside, ON N0M 2G0

Ever wonder what a farm sanctuary looks like but figured you'd probably never get a chance to visit one? Maybe you've been to one before and would like to go again? Well, here's your chance as Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary ( just outside of Stratford, Ontario throws open their doors in commemoration of World Farm Animals Day as they host their first ever Thanksgiving Open Barn event!

Scheduled to run over two days on Oct. 2 and 3rd, 2010 from 1-4pm, this is your chance to come out, visit the farm, spend some time with the rescued animals, sample some AMAZING vegan fare, and get a real sense of what it takes to keep such a fantastic place going. As someone who's been there many times, I can certainly vouch for the incredible sense of well being I've always gotten from my visits there.

Getting to Cedar Row is pretty easy in terms of directions and the following link: will get you right to the foot of their driveway. Just change the starting destination to wherever your coming from to get directions specific to you!

Now, as I said earlier, the Thanksgiving Open Barn will be running over two days between the hours of 1 and 4 pm so, pick a day (or come both days if you'd like!) and come on out for a truly unique experience!

Please note: there is no admission charge for this event although donations at the sanctuary will be gratefully accepted.

See you all there!

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