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Fwd: Vote now - Prop 2 Poll on USA Today

From: veganvet
Sent on: Friday, October 17, 2008, 10:51 PM
Subject: Vote now - Prop 2 Poll on USA Today

We should pass this USA Today Poll to our folks to vote YES!!!  Yes on Prop 2 is way in the lead, but we should make sure to keep it that way!

Here's the link...

Read my Blog at

Vote YES on Prop 2
Stop Animal Cruelty

'I love my cats because I love my home, and little by little they become its visible soul.'
~Jean Couteau

Armaiti May, D.V.M.
Dr. May's Veterinary House Calls
Serving dogs and cats in West LA
Phone: (310)[masked]
Fax: (310)[masked]