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Graphic New Footage Reveals Cruel Military Medical Training

From: veganvet
Sent on: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 10:35 PM

PCRM Action Alert

Dear PCRM supporter,

On June 3, PCRM and a group of former military medical officers filed a formal petition with the Department of Defense requesting that it end the cruel and outdated use of monkeys, goats, and pigs to train personnel. With the petition, we also submitted graphic video footage of what happens in these courses.

If you are upset by this cruelty, take a minute and ask your members of Congress to urge the Department of Defense to end it.

In some courses, an instructor cuts a live goat with a scalpel to create traumatic wounds that cause severe bleeding. In other courses, vervet monkeys are given a toxic dose of a drug that can induce seizures, difficulty breathing, and death. Watch videos of this training. These practices continue despite the existence of superior nonanimal training methods.

Call or e-mail your members of Congress to end this cruel and outdated method of training.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Ryan Merkley

Ryan Merkley
Manager of Humane Education Programs
[address removed]

P.S.: Please forward this message to a friend who shares your compassion.




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Ryan Merkley
Manager of Humane Education Programs
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More information about the DOD’s use of animals (PDF)

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