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urgent: donations needed for Chester

From: Rania H.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 7:09 PM
Hi everyone,
I am meeting with Jessica tomorrow at the shelter to pick up Chester so that he doesn't get killed.  I was going to hold him for a couple days while I try to find him a home, or give him to a boarding place, but if there is anyone who can keep him temporarily, that would be great because I really cannot hold him for long. Can you or anyone you know do this??
Jessica has offered to pay for his pull fees temporarily, but we STILL NEED DONATIONS to help pay her back and to give to the boarding place if a home is not found for him. 
There were donations mentioned so please tell Jessica what you can donate and we can tally it up and give Jessica what is owed to her (she is being very generous and is rescuing another dog as well! She is a savior).
Thank you-