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Video from App Engine Meetup - Oct 5, 2009

From: Bill K.
Sent on: Monday, October 12, 2009, 10:07 AM
Thanks to Jesse Hammons, we have video of the last meetup! His original e-mail didn't go through so I'm forwarding it:

-------------- Message from Jesse ---------------------

Hi everyone, the video is finally up! A bit squished, but the audio
is good. I also have the original 3gb MP4 file if anyone desires
original content files.

00:0 Bill Katz - GAE Meetup Intro
06:0 Rafe Kaplan - Low Level App Engine
52:0 Guido van Rossum - RPC Instrumentation
78:0 Evan Cooke - Twilio + App Engine
89:0 Van Riper - GAE/Java Twitter Bots
103:0 Bill Katz - Rich key_name entities
120:0 Garrett Davis - Extending Properties

My current project "Zaggle" is a Facebook Connect website running on
top of Google App Engine ... I met some other attendies who are
working on similar projects, we are thinking about doing some smaller
meetups focused on the issues of Facebook + GAE ... contact me if you
are interested.


Jesse Hammons
time to see your friends!

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