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Re: [hiking-441] No shows

From: Chuck B.
Sent on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 10:21 PM

Thanks for bringing this up Bill.

With regard to Meetup gatherings that are limited to a certain number of is irresponsible for our members to keep others from participating in something that they would have liked to attend!
Meetup members...please change your RSVP as soon as you know you cannot make the Meetup!


PS: I hope to be out there leading some moderate 4-7 mile hikes again soon. Let me know if you are interested.
Thanks and Happy 2013 on the trail.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Bill <[address removed]> wrote:

Julia, Melissa, Sandy, Rusty, Cale, David and md8540, were 'no shows' to the Map and Compass meetup Sunday.  By not changing their rsvp to 'no', they kept Chris, John, Laurie, Laurie, Beth, Susan and Frank on the wait list and unable to attend a meetup they signed up for.

This message was sent by Bill ([address removed]) from The Asheville Hiking Group.
To learn more about Bill, visit his/her member profile
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Charles "Chuck " Brown
Manager -

South Carolina Home
PO Box 670
Montreat NC 28757

Please visit our web site at:
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