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Re: [euchre-257] Tournament and other points to ponder!

From: Barbara
Sent on: Monday, August 4, 2014, 11:52 AM
Could y'all please stop "replying all"?

Forgive brevity, sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2014, at 9:23 AM, pat <[address removed]> wrote:

I'm new to this euchre meet up group. Could you provide some details about the tourney?
Pat (from Michigan)

Relax, it's just me

On Aug 3, 2014, at 21:21, Angie <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to remind you to RSVP for the tournament as soon as possible. We need to have an accurate count and may need to move locations if we don't haven enough people joining us. So please encourage anyone you know who has been talking about attending to RSVP as soon as possible.

Another thing about RSVP's... the meetup system really does work best when everyone is keeping their RSVP's as up to date as possible. Does that mean you're not welcome if you haven't said yes or in trouble if you don't end up making it? Of course not! But as a courtesy to those who also like to play it helps to know if you are going to be there or not. For example there were two of us who decided not to go since we were the only two who had RSVPed. When I showed up the following week we were told there were 2 people who showed up and also didn't get to play. A wonderful time was missed by all!

And lastly let's talk about tipping!! Our locations are gracious enough to let us sit for several hours at a time and order limited amounts of food. We need to remember our servers are going out of their way to allow us to use their tables for longer than normal purposes therefore our tips should be larger than normal as well. I would suggest AT LEAST tipping 25% if you are sitting at a table for more than 1-1.5 hours (the normal amount of time to turn a table).  And yes, sometimes we wait a little long for drink refills but we are not the normal customer and while we should expect good service we should not expect the normal intense focus after the first 1.5 hours that we were granted. Your patience and your consideration to their livelihoods are much appreciated!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Angie :)

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