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National Day of Civic Hacking - May 30 & 31

From: Luigi R.
Sent on: Thursday, May 15, 2014, 1:00 PM

On May 30 and 31, Code for Atlanta is partnering with TAG to host the National Day of Civic Hacking at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. We'll be working on projects related to food security and sustainability.

Please register here:

Here's a small sampling of what we'll be working on:
  • Our host, the Atlanta Community Food Bank, distributes food to over 600 social service agencies in the region. They're looking for help in creating tools to help manage their massive network that gets food to those who need it most.
  • Atlanta Food & Farm, a group focused on urban gardening and farming, wants to build a tool that will enable more participation from the residents of neighborhoods they're doing work in.
  • A local representative from the U.S. Census Bureau will attend. The Census Bureau has made open data available on food deserts and SNAP (the food stamps program).
Many more projects will be announced at the hackathon, and attendees are encouraged to come with their own project ideas. We're looking for software developers, designers, analysts, project managers, and subject-matter experts to work on these important projects that will significantly help those in need.

Please register now. And if you can't make it, help us by spending 10 minutes spreading the word.

Code for Atlanta co-organizer

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